Featured Artists Deb Oh and the Cavaliers Artist Finalists The Great Party Qiet Grand Prize Winner Blood And Glass Wolfcolony Winning Band Craig Martinson & The Heartbeats Featured Videos Silver Sound Produced This Video! José Andrés CardonaDeb Oh & the CavaliersVessels Silver Sound Produced This Video! Nick SnyderBlood and GlassPaper Heart Video Finalists Preston SpurlockDot Wiggin BandBanana Bike Daniel TantaleanRickstarBeen Around the World David Gantz and Theo CohnBaby FleasCandy Bar Special Recognition MAGZ ( Magda Sztompka)Kuf KnotzClock Ticking Steve Nolan and Eddie CostasWhat Model CitizensComing For Me Codie DobieHappy HollowsEndless Sawyer Purman, Ben AndersonKithkinFallen Giants Regan CarsonA K U AGRAVITY Audience Award Drue Pennella & Edwin Adlam HerodStargrovesHats in the Air Zac Stuart-PontierThe Great PartyHecho En Mexico Barrie PotterThe Can't TellsInsincere Best Cinematography Andrea GiacominiMIDINETTEJe Sais Pas Grand Prize Winner Nick SnyderM.K. JacksonLost Boy Found Most Instructional Nathan Oglesby, Alicia Papanek and Ryan MartinSir Kn8 the Knight of the NewMakin Bread Dustin ReidThe RocketboysMarching To The Palace Corydon WagnerRags and RibbonsRubikon Max RosenIngsSoND Alec NicholasJosh BerwangerTime Traveler Guillem GuardiolaDevian LynxUntitled Lies Special Recognition Erlendur SveinssonYlja Út Ezra EwenSister CrystalsWhite