Artist Finalists Grand Prize Winner Deb Oh and the Cavaliers Ula Ruth Plastiq Passion Winning Band DEAR DENIZEN 7lghQ The Band Featured Videos Silver Sound Produced This Video! Justin Kramer + Animation by Tina BrunnerBasement BatmanLast Bean Video Finalists Justin CrowellTwo People Playing MusicBeehive Ace SalisburyCobra Krames & DJ A.N.S. feat. SmurfoBend Your Back Best Cinematography Michael Immerman & Gabriel BlidöFanuelleBody Romana Kudryashova SistersBrazzavilleBoeing Audience Award Pat BreenMiniBooneBrand New Thing Jay SprogellBasement BatmanChemistry Julia PasternakRush MidnightCrush Grand Prize Winner Jean-Paul DiSciscioThe BynarsEvery Little Thing You Love Tika BuchananLuciusGo Home Melissa JonesThe RaptureIn the Grace of Your Love Best Editing Justin Ryan MarmorsteinCES CRUION DAT Jason LesterTwin CabinsLakelove Atom FellowsTerminal ServiceLike China Brynden McNewRags & RibbonsMoving On Kelly CarpenterStomp the DogNetwork Hannu Aukia15 Minutes Before the DiveRunning Man Best Cat Suit Carl M. ZumattoMillie DeVilleS&M Freestyle Zac Stuart-PontierThe Great PartyTeresa Paul Wheatley & Charlotte HornsbyThe Hill and WoodThe Call Best VFX Jacob MendelLord HuronThe Stranger Iemi Hernandez-KimMoon HoochTubes