Unicorn Zombie Apocalypse
The Unicorn Zombie Apocalypse music video tells the tale of two average news anchors (Borgore and Shannen Doherty) and their struggle to break the news of the zombie apocalypse while escaping with their lives
James Cullen Bressack
The youngest child of two show business veterans, James Cullen Bressack grew up obsessed with genre films. Bursting upon the indie horror scene at the age of eighteen, James Cullen Bressack has been called “horror’s new hope” (Studio City Patch) and “a talent to watch out for” (Horror Sleaze Trash). Released by Media Blasters on their Fresh Meat Shriek Show label in 2012, Bressack’s first feature quickly rose to the top of the best sellers list on amazon.com in the horror category. As Scott Shoyer says in his review of My Pure Joy on his ANYTHING HORROR web site "Bressack genuinely loves horror and it shows in every frame. ” Besides directing his own films, Bressack has helped to bring the work of other indie horror film directors to light by producing a series of horror anthologies. He has become an icon of the scene with thousands of fans looking forward to what he will be doing next.